In September, Kanon Produksjon returns to Kristiansand, this time with a world premiere. The Lucky Ship explores a year aboard the cargo ship D/S Hestmanden, just as World War II hits Norway. The production is a collaboration with the Norwegian War Sailors Museum at Vest-Agder Museum and is performed below deck on the Hestmanden.
World War II is in full swing. The Norwegian merchant fleet becomes a piece in a total war, and Norwegian sailors are suddenly in the middle of the heat, whether they want it or not. Our story begins when the news that the Germans have occupied Norway has just reached the crew. We follow the characters Ingvald and Oskar, two brothers-in-law who work on board the ship S/S Hestmanden. Their journey, the situations the ship and its crew end up in, and the return home, are presented through encounters between them, literally between battles.
The production is written and performed by Jon Erik and André Lassemo, directed by Åsmund-Brede Eike. Jon Erik has also composed and arranged the music for the production, partially recorded in Hungary with The Budapest Scoring Orchestra.
In October, the performance will be presented to middle school students in Kristiansand as part of the Cultural Rucksack program.